
Credit: Broadway Impact

Friday, October 11, 2013


Well, I've been home for two days and I'm already getting back into the swing of 'normal' life. Can't say I like it compared to how I spent last week. I'm listening to fun. right now and my phone has been going off like crazy all day from the group text all the ABTers have been talking on since the trip started. It makes me miss them a ton, and miss all the experiences we had together.

I spent last night having a glass of wine with a friend and talking about how the trip went. It was hard to really put it into words other than 'awesome'. We talked a lot about what I learned from the organizations I went to and how it can be applied to our jobs (she works at the crisis center with me) and how we can continue that type of work even though ABT is over.

One of the other ABTers applied for a job after returning home with an organization that works with individuals with AIDS and I'm so proud and excited for her! I'm also very inspired by her.

Basically what I'm saying is, I'm more than ready to continue service here in Michigan. My first project is going to be pulling together the LGBTQ resource binder at work. I'm on-call this weekend so if something comes up, I may be able to start on it sooner rather than later - otherwise I'm hoping to start on Monday. I've already done a little research from home - especially networking with the LGBT Resource Center at my University as well as checking out a list of internship sites from the Social Work program.

Additionally, I'm still blown away by the commitment and passion demonstrated by each of our service partners. It stirred something in me that is manifesting very emotionally. It also is a stark realization of how much better things could be if everyone just took a second to care. You don't have to spend five days of your life on a tour bus volunteering to make a difference. I can already list five local organizations that could use some volunteer help/donations to keep programming running right now.

If you're in the Michigan region, check these out! The Network, RED Project GR, Holland Is Ready, GVSU LGBT Resource Center, and fun.'s Detroit service partner the Ruth Ellis Center!

It really doesn't take much to get out there and do something. Let others know you are an ally and be a source of information for future allies. Speak up when someone uses derogatory language and amplify the voices of those who are silenced. Contact your local LGBT resource center and find out what they need most. Host a supply drive at your school or work. Put a TAC or HRC sticker on your notebook, car, water bottle, or phone case. Use it as a conversation starter. Most importantly, be a role model for others and show them that anyone can be an ally.

Hoping to continue to update this blog as I work on some of my goals from ABT. Thank you all for supporting me and thank you to the 11 incredible friends I have made - you all mean more than you know.

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