
Credit: Broadway Impact

Monday, October 7, 2013

Our First Regular Day of Service

So short version (since I didn't totally explain it yet), Tropical Storm Karen forced fun. to cancel their concert in New Orleans last night. That resulted in us being rushed off to Houston a day early.

We spent yesterday bonding on the bus and talking about what it means to be an ally and how our personal story can speak to others on a deeper level. It was really profound to listen to everyone talk and share so much about themselves when we'd only known each other for a few hours. And talking about what it means to be an ally came incredibly easy to us as a group - we were a really efficient think tank. 

This morning we woke up bright and early and headed over to The Montrose Center in Houston to lend a hand with painting some murals and touching up some walls in one of their community rooms. Immediate upon arriving, we were greeted with a box of doughnuts and a 'thank you'. We hadn't even done anything yet and we were already appreciated - what an incredible feeling. 

Painting was so much fun. Another thing I like about this group is how well we mix together. We break up in smaller groups often, but they're always different and no matter who is in it, you can bet it's going to be a great time. And the individuals from The Montrose Center were right there with us helping. What an incredible experience!

It only got better from that point. We went to the concert venue, met Mike White (Ally Coalition extraordinaire), got a tour of backstage, and learned about what we would be doing as Ally Coalition volunteers and why it was so important. We had a short break and then got to work!

It was a busy night in the equality village. We raised a ton of money for the local organizations we partnered with and took lots of photos of people coming out as allies! Watching people get excited about a cause that means so much to me just made me happier. It was a natural high that carried me all through the concert and after. The ABTers matched Nate, Andrew, and Jack's energy - maybe even exceeded it! We had a great time dancing and singing like maniacs. (Whoever had a hand in picking this group - top notch. We are awesome!) 

After the concert, we had the pleasure of meeting the band. They are great guys. They thanked us for the work we're doing and talked about how incredible it is.

The funny thing is, it's not that incredible; anyone can do it. I think we tend to forget that as we get wrapped up in our own lives. We think we need an event or something directly in front of us to lend a hand. I challenge everyone reading this blog to go into the community and look for organizations that serve the LGBTQ population - ask them what they need most and how you can help. You'd be surprised how easy it is.

That's about it for tonight. We're back on the bus, about to head back to New Orleans to work with Project Lazarus. 

Keep an eye on the #AllyCoalitionABT hashtag and my twitter and Instagram to keep updated with all the goings on in the ABT! 

Thanks everyone!

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